The Netherlands 

In a ground-breaking collaboration with


Is your transformation agenda at risk of being derailed?

Ready to get to the bottom of what's really going on?


Join The Systemic Leadership Retreat

Developing your Systemic Leadership Lens

Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th December 2023

Click below to register your interest in this Retreat:

This retreat is for Senior Leaders who are navigating increasingly complex environments.

You have come to a realisation that the tried and tested strategies are not having the required effect, even when you have made significant investments in consultants and endless research. 

The pattern of dysfunction continues to repeat, despite having the best leaders, talent and product or service.  The limiting patterns are undermining performance and impacting bottom line results.

There is fear and a lack of trust in the system but you're not sure why.

You are are struggling to get to this invisible dynamic or hidden tension. 

You can’t quite put your finger on it - it is just beyond your field of vision – yet your intuition tells you there is something else going on. 

The energy in the organisation is low and potentially even toxic – recruiting new talent is challenging to say the least.

Your reputation of being a great company to work for is diluted.

You have friction within the business that you can't quite get to the bottom of – silos are only being exasperated.

Nevertheless, you are committed to take your organisation to the next level of connection, cohesion and performance and as such, you are ready to enhance your leadership with a systemic perspective.  

This enhancement includes looking at your organisation as a whole, living and dynamic system beyond the current incumbents, and beyond the current time horizon.

The Systemic Leadership Retreat is for you if you are a...


  • Senior Leader who realises you don't have all the answers to the complex challenges and the invisible dynamics

  • Senior Leader who is open and willing to explore, experiment and expand your perspective with peers from other sectors

  • Senior Leader who is ready to offer your leadership at the service of the health of the business

  • Senior Leader who is approaching a transition point and wants to explore your own journey 

To be able to attend you need to have a minimum of 8 years in a Senior Leadership Role and be a member of a Senior Leadership Team of Medium & Large Scale organisations. 

Key Takeaways...



Over the course of a few days, you will have an opportunity to explore the dynamics within your organisation, and within your own leadership.


You will gain insights on what the organisational system needs from you as a leader and we will help you fine tune your systemic sensing skills, so that you can feel more equipped to expand and deepen your field of vision.

You will be reminded of the importance of slowing down and zooming out in order to heighten and fine tune your intuition and perceptive skills

From this expanded viewpoint, you will harvest new insights and clarity of the intervention that is needed for fresh energy, vitality and ultimately, performance to flow – in a sustainable way.

This retreat will offer the fundamentals of the systemic approach and provide leaders with an expanded toolkit and a way of looking at the system, that helps to develop a connected, cohesive and energised organisation. 

We invite you to bring those challenges where you'd appreciate some new insights - we will create the conditions and the support for new intervention possibilities to show up. 

On the other hand, you may wish to take this time to look inward – to allow the next chapter to reveal itself and/or evaluate your own leadership trajectory and explore what life wants from you.

Specifically you will leave the retreat with:


  • Insights that will help you uncover and explain the why behind unhelpful dynamics in your organisation
  • The first step towards healing any historical and unprocessed trauma in the system
  • A broader set of lenses with which to view multiple layers of complexity & challenge
  • Support on how to create positive movement in your organisation
  • Having had the time, space and support to zoom back and take stock of your own leadership journey
  • Clarity on your own patterns and how these may be showing up in your leadership


Meet Your Facilitators: Barbara Hoogenboom and Tess Cope 


Barbara and Tess have worked with leaders and leadership teams from various organisations across Europe, US, UK and around the world.  

Both are authors in this field and bring their own leadership experience, together with extensive experience of the systemic approach and its application in business, to the table. 

Their mission is to support participants to develop their own systemic lens and create a confidential and open space to explore current challenges.

Director and Systemic Facilitator at the Bert Hellinger Instituut Nederland, Initiator and Trainer at the Systemic Business School, Author of Systemic Leadership

Barbara Hoogenboom

Barbara studied Business Administration and worked over a decade in financial organisations in management positions in the Netherlands and abroad. 

'I am constantly curious to find out what the good (systemic) reasons are that things are the way they are. 

Zooming out to wider systems is part of my natural way of being and doing. 

Always ready to be courageous ánd vulnerable. 

Not afraid of harsh reality ánd in service of mildness and gratitude. 

I love to spread systemic work as a healthy virus, through trainings, workshops, constellations and coaching.'

Then she worked as independent mediator in organisational and family conflicts for 11 years until 2015, when the systemic work fully took her into service. 

She lives with her husband Michiel, three children and dog Tex in the beautiful old countryside of Texel.  

'I enjoy how the Texel sheep are hopping funny in the meadow and I feel vital, partly thanks to the year-round swimming in the (Wadden) sea.'


Founder of The Transformation Agency and The Systemic Lens Membership, and author of Harness

 Tess Cope

Tess has over 25 years’ experience of leading cultural transformation from the inside, but also as an external guide.

Having held a variety of senior roles, including Board level responsibility herself, she is committed to the leadership agenda.

Tess has experience of working globally and with the public sector, public limited companies as well as large family owned organisations in multiple sectors. 

Tess is an ICF accredited coach and has been deeply involved in constantly building her systemic capability since 2011. 

She delights in helping senior leaders, look at a challenge from a new dimension and ultimately support them to find a path through to breakthrough.  

Tess published her first book on systemic coaching (HARNESSa systemic approach to revolutionise your coaching) in 2021 and is looking forward to her second publication (about working with teams) in September 2023. 

She has a passion for building the systemic lens with senior leaders in service of helping them create a positive environment for employees and ultimately strengthening the organisation.


The Systemic Leadership Retreat

6th - 8th December 2023

Oatlands Park Hotel, Surrey

  Price:   £4,250* 

(*exclusive of VAT)

We are dedicated to creating a safe, intimate and confidential space – 

with this in mind, numbers will be strictly limited

Please enter your details below and 

we'd be delighted to arrange a call so that we can check this is right for you.

The Systemic Leadership Retreat Details:



  • Wednesday 6th December: Arrive 2pm with dinner at 7pm
  • Thursday 7th: 10am -  6pm with dinner at 7pm
  • Friday 8th: 10am - 4pm


Oatlands Park Hotel:


£4,250 (+ VAT), which includes:

 Follow up 1:1 reflection & coaching session

 Lunch and all refreshments (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

 Dinner (Wednesday & Thursday evenings)


copyright 2023  The Systemic Leadership Retreat